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LandBot chatting app

Keyword- Landbot chatting app 

Know the full details about Landbot chatting app Founders  their journey and market share-

Landbot Founder name-

Jiaqi Pan is the CEO and co-founder of Landbot.

Read his journey and Market share

Barcelona-based startup Landbot today announced it has raised €6.5 million in Series A funding to expand its team and reach more clients around the world. The round was led by Swanlaab, a Spanish-Israeli venture capital firm, with Spain’s national innovation agency CDTI and previous investors Nauta Capital, Encomenda and Bankinter completing series A rounds. Founded in 2017, the Landbot platform creates robots that build LEGO games, enabling marketing, sales and customer service departments of companies of all sizes to easily develop automated conversations using no-code solutions. will do so. and be prefabricated. Customers can initiate and analyse real-time digital communications with end users through multiple communication channels such as websites, WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger. Unlike regular chatbots, Landbot uses a drag-and-drop solution to create immersive web pages filled with GIFs and visuals to grab the end-user’s attention. One of Landbot’s primary use cases is to provide a conversational interface for collecting and processing complex data, capturing the form builder market for communication automation solutions. Improve communication between your business and your customers to keep your business running smoothly. This service is available with a “free” premium subscription. The company already supports over 50,000 users ranging from small businesses to individual groups to large organisations’ products. Notable clients include Nestle, Media Markt, Coca-Cola, Cepsa, PcComponentes and Prudential. Landbot helps companies in every industry, from marketing agencies to banking and finance, e-commerce, education, and more. This product started as an internal experiment to manage our own operations. Founded in 2015, the company first offered concierge services to consumers before releasing in 2018 that its products could benefit other companies. The company’s solution for turning chatbots into AI caught the attention of investors, and around the same year the company gathered the seeds to further develop the product. Jiaqi Pan, his CEO and co-founder of Landbot, said: However, building custom AI solutions is costly for most companies whose natural language processing (NLP) solutions are less than 60% accurate. This is unacceptable for most business applications and can negatively impact customer experience. Our solution means anyone can create effective conversational workflows in minutes, without relying on AI engineers or relying on large amounts of data to train AI systems.

Landbot recently acquired Indian company Morph.AI. Morph.AI is a chat-based marketing automation tool that helps convert social media, website, and ad traffic into leads. This acquisition will help Landbot enter the Asian market. Today, 90% of our customers are foreigners and 60% are from the USA, UK and Germany. From the first round, my income was 10 times his and the team was 40 men. This investment round will be used to double the Landbot team in 2021 and hire an executive director of sales, marketing and engineering. Mattia Gnemmi, Landbot client and founder of his Conversational Design, a conversational marketing agency, adds: possible. “


Through this article you will get to know all the beneficial information about the Land Bot Chatting app. Hopefully this article will be knowledgeable for you. Thank you!

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