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Outplay Marketing and Web Designing App

Keyword- Outplay Marketing and web designing app 

Know the unknown fact about Outplay Marketing and Web Designing App:Founder name & their success story and Marketing strategy-

About Outplay-

Outplay is a new sales engagement platform that combines omnichannel reach with sales automation to help sales teams reach their revenue goals. The company’s core belief is to always provide top-notch customer service and superior support. We believe in providing meaningful growth opportunities for our employees at all levels and take pride in sharing all of our successes, thoughts and failures openly with the entire team. Its mission is to help sellers realise their dreams.

Outplay – Founders and Team

Brothers Ram and Laxman Papineni co-founded Outplay in 2019 in Wilmington, Delaware. Laxman is the company’s CEO and Ram is his CTO. Ram and Laxman have always built something together. From an early age, they have been fascinated by the idea of ​​making things that are unique, creative and useful to others. As siblings, they learned each other’s strengths early on: Ram was interested in building rigs and tools, Laxman was interested in connecting with people and sharing ideas. It’s how the roles match their personality and goals perfectly. Today, Outplay has over 100 employees and offers the most flexible work culture, instilling a sense of belonging among employees and promoting a healthy work-life balance. Outplay believes its employees are the company’s most important asset and does everything possible to make them feel comfortable and noticed. They believe that they can only continue to produce world-class products when their employees’ needs are met. increase. The company’s existing employees (commonly called Outplayers) are always ready to share vacancies within the network. And when they bring someone in, they get rewarded for it. Additionally, we actively partner with college campuses to recruit new students and help them launch their professional careers with Outplay.

Outplay – The Idea and Startup Story

The whole idea of ​​creating a business engagement platform started with a blog. Ram and Laxman’s first venture was a blog network. It was here that Ram and Laxman learned about startups and their management. They launched their first startup, his AppVirality. This is referral marketing software for shopping backed by Microsoft Accelerator. They were the first to recognize the importance of sales and find ways to improve sales for all salespeople. After quitting his job he joined AppVirality and he had a couple of friends who later became Outplay. Together they spent a few hours getting the structure right, getting a small group of investors interested, and started introducing Outplay to investors looking to make the move.

Outplay – Vision

Outplay’s short-term goal is to achieve great brand recognition and generate significant revenue in the SMB market.

The company’s long-term vision is to make a name for itself among large corporations and fully expand into regions such as ASEAN and the Asia-Pacific region. Outplay aims to be the number one promotion platform in the world.

Outplay – USP

Outplay’s USP includes omnichannel coverage that combines channels such as email, phone, text message, social media and magic chat. This is the web chat window that launches when a prospect clicks an email link. Plus, get access to top-tier features like multi-channel coverage, smart sales funnels, real-time sales analytics, website and email tracking, the ability to set activity triggers, and powerful.

Outplay – Marketing Strategy

Outplay released an e-book as part of its marketing efforts and was able to generate a lot of buzz in the market. The eBook is titled “30 Sales Teams Share Their Sales Funnels” and features a comprehensive list of sales funnels from leading companies such as Drift, Hubspot and Vidyard. Over 30 sales funnels for fast growing businesses.

Final thoughts- 

Through this article you will get to know about Outplay Marketing and Web Designing App. Hopefully this article will give you some knowledgeable information. Thank you!

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