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Revolutionizing Web Design: Introducing GUS, the AI-powered Website Creator by Universe!

The no-code mobile website builder Universe just debuted GUS (Generative Universe Sites), an AI-powered website creator, in beta. This innovative designer is set to revolutionize the way websites are created by enabling users to build and launch customized websites right from their iOS devices.

Universe’s GUS takes a unique approach to website creation. Instead of starting with pre-designed templates, users begin by engaging in a text conversation with GUS. The process begins with GUS asking a simple question: “What kind of website would you like to build today?” Users first describe their vision in detail, including any particular design preferences, color palettes, or the amount of pages they want. GUS uses this information to create an initial layout for the website.

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Fully Editable Layouts without Code

No Code Mobile Website Builder – Image ( Techcrunch )

The layout generated by GUS is fully editable, allowing users to make changes without having to deal with any code. Whether it’s swapping an image, adjusting the content, or modifying the arrangement of elements, users have complete control over their website’s design. This flexibility ensures that the final website aligns perfectly with the creator’s vision.

Once the user is satisfied with the website’s appearance and functionality, they can easily publish it. Universe has made the website creation process as simple as possible to empower users to take their corner of the internet with confidence.

Universe CEO on Democratizing Web Design: How GUS Makes Creativity Boundless

Joseph Cohen, CEO of Universe, said that the company’s goal is to enable everyone to have a digital presence. Generative AI plays a crucial role in achieving this mission, as it transforms the process of website creation into a user-friendly and efficient experience. With GUS, individuals from diverse backgrounds, including tattoo artists, general contractors, students, pragmatists, and visionaries, can claim their space on the web effortlessly. Universe aims to democratize web design and ensure that creativity knows no boundaries.

Availability and Future Expansion

The GUS beta is currently accessible to all users who update their Universe app on iOS. The company also has plans to expand the experience to the web soon, catering to users without iPhones or those who prefer desktop access. This move will further broaden the reach of GUS and make its innovative features available to a wider audience.

A Competitive Market

Universe’s GUS is not the only AI-powered website design tool in the market. Earlier, Wix had launched the AI Site Generator, which also uses AI to help users create websites based on their intent. A survey by Top Design Firms in 2022 revealed that almost 27% of small businesses still do not have a website, with low traffic and cost being the main challenges they face. These AI-powered tools seek to address these challenges and encourage more businesses to establish an online presence.

Embracing Inclusivity and Accessibility

Universe emphasizes inclusivity and accessibility in web design, and GUS represents a significant milestone in this regard. The AI-powered capabilities of GUS open doors for individuals from various walks of life to bring their creative visions to life on the digital canvas. This democratization of web design empowers individuals who may not have had the technical expertise to create a website previously.

With the introduction of GUS, Universe has taken a giant leap towards making website creation an effortless and inclusive process. By embracing generative AI, Universe empowers users to build their online presence without the need for coding skills or prior technical knowledge.

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The ease of use and customization options offered by GUS make it an exciting addition to the world of website builders. As Universe continues to evolve its platform and expand its features, more individuals from diverse backgrounds will have the opportunity to make their mark on the internet.

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